Monday, December 03, 2007

Quoted for Sad Truth! >_<

Quoth Dafydd at Big Lizards: "I don't mean this personally or with any disrespect, but the Democrats surrendered to the Communists in 1974, and now they're trying to surrender to the militant Islamist terrorists in 2008."

The rest of his "Blood's a Rover" post is well worthy of a careful reading as well. ^_^



Anonymous Anonymous said...

but the Democrats surrendered to the Communists in 1974, and now they're trying to surrender to the militant Islamist terrorists in 2008."

And that's why we're speaking russian today!

Let's see... the soviet union dissolved in 1992, 18 years after "the Democrats surrendered". At that rate, the Militant Islamic Terrorists should be disbanding around 2026.

Tell us again about all the awful things that happened to us after "the Democrats surrencered to the Communists".

1:01 AM  
Blogger Towering Barbarian said...

'Tell us again about all the awful things that happened to us after "the Democrats surrencered to the Communists".'

Yeah, the people in Cambodia had such a *wonderful* time under Pol Pot, didn't they? And did you notice all those boat people who fled from America and Australia to be under Communist rule? :P

BTW Anom., do you have a name you'd like to use? Doesn't have to be the name on your birth certificate but some sort of pen name might make it easier to address you and distinguish you from any other nameless entity who crops up here.

6:34 PM  

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